Sunday, 11 December 2011

Master Archer 2011

CAROLE IS 'Fraternity of St George' MASTER ARCHER 2011.

The results are accumulated over the whole year, at Godinton Park, Leeds Castle, Hall Place, Scotney Castle, and Windsor Deer Park. No one has ever won it twice before let alone 2 years in a row! The attached photo was taken at the Windsor Castle Pub, the food was pretty good as well......

Thanks to everyone from Bournemouth Archery Club for their support - Carole Tidd

Saturday, 1 October 2011

Lytchett Clout October 2011

Well done to everyone at the shoot. Which was not an easy task, with distances of 180 yards for men and 140 yards for women.

Bournemouth team did great and a few county records and tassel awards were won as well.

Mens Longbow

Tim Skidmore (2nd)
Mike pearce (3rd)

Ladies longbow

Carole Tidd (2nd)

Ladies recurve

Ursula Hawke (2nd)

Ladies barebow

Tina Honey (1st)

And glenn sanders, who came (1st), (2nd), and (3rd) without even realising it.

Trust me, it’s a long story that caused lots of laughs all round

Monday, 1 August 2011

Salisbury 70mtr FITA - August 2011

Six members of BAC attended the Salisbury FITA and it was a great day with a very friendly atmosphere, The sun shone but the wind force was unforgiving. Well done to everyone for lasting the day

Alan Haydon - 1st Mens Compound
Chris Fowler - 3rd Mens Compound
Andy Rycroft - 1st Mens Veteran Round
Tina Honey - 1st Ladies Barebow

Congratulations to all

Friday, 24 June 2011

Lychett Owlshoot - June 2011

Bournemouth had a good turn out of 16 archers,

of which 9 came away with trophies and medals.

Recurve Team Award

Longbow Team Award

Mens Recurve

Ladies Barebow

Ladies Longbow

Gents Improver

Best Unawarded Recurve

Best Gold Barebow

An Excellent day and a great shoot, well done to everyone who attended